
Psychotherapy, otherwise known as talk-therapy, involves patient-focused communication to understand one’s mood, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Psychotherapy helps one learn how to take control of their life and respond to challenging situations with healthy coping skills.

At Complete Mind Care of PA, our skilled Psychotherapists consist of Psychologists (PsyD), Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT). Our providers utilize a variety of evidence-based methods, to assist a patient in understanding their diagnosis and identifying healthy coping skills. These strategies that are practiced during a session can help manage and overcome negative feelings. However, depending on your specific diagnosis, psychotherapy alone may not be enough to ease the symptoms of a mental health condition. Therefore, our providers can refer a patient for additional services lines, to better ensure optimal care.

The Goal of Psychotherapy

Response is reached when a patient reports less symptoms, clinically meaningful improvement in mood, daily functioning, physical pain, and negative thinking. Ultimately a therapist wants to get you to feel better!

Remission is not only reporting an improvement from when you started treatment, but also a presence of well-being, optimism, self-confidence, and a return to a healthy state of functioning. Partial remission signals the need to continue therapy. It is important to follow along with the treatment plan, so as to achieve a full state of remission.

Recovery is the absence of symptoms for at least 4 months following the onset of full remission. While there will be periods of improvement and growth, as well as setbacks and stumbling blocks, it is important to monitor your physical and emotional experiences – along with many of the other tools and techniques learned in psychotherapy.

Therapy Modalities

CBT is based on the idea that individuals can make permanent, healthy changes in their behavior by shift their negative and inaccurate patterns of thinking.
This technique focuses on your connections, behaviors, and interactions with family and friends. The goal is to improve communication skills, increase self-esteem, and resolve mental health issues, caused by loss, grief, conflicts, and life transitions.
DBT is used to change unhealthy behaviors or problems that threaten safety, relationships, work and emotional well-being, by changing these behaviors through keeping daily diaries and attending regular therapy.
The goal of this technique is to recognize negative patterns of behaviors and feelings that are rooted in past experiences and resolve them. There is a focus on recognizing, acknowledging, understanding, expressing, and overcoming negative and contradictory feelings and repressed emotions to improve the patient’s interpersonal experiences and relationships.
EMDR therapy uses eye movements (or sometimes rhythmic tapping) to change the way a memory is stored in the brain, allowing you to process it. This therapy aims to help you work through painful memories with your body’s natural functions to recover from the effects of trauma. Once your brain properly processes the memory, you should be able to remember the traumatic event without experiencing the intense, emotional reactions that characterize post-traumatic stress.

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